All content on this website, except where noted, is the opinion of its creator. We do not claim to be the only source of truth. Please take responsibility for your own spiritual path and any actions you may take as a result of reading or hearing the information provided here. Take what works for you, and leave the rest.
I never intended to use this site to promote a political stance, but the United States of America is now in a constitutional crisis, and we need all hands on deck.
On the morning of November 6, 2024, thousands of people all across the country woke up at 4am with a strong sense that something had gone wrong with our presidential election.
It would be one thing if this had been a simple electoral victory by the candidate we of the 4am club did not prefer. We could have, and would have, gotten over that and moved on.
But these results did not make any sense. We had been following the campaigns. The energy at Kamala Harris's rallies was overwhelmingly positive. We'd not seen this level of political enthusiasm in a long time. We registered to vote in record numbers, and an atmosphere of hope was in the air as we went to vote.
To go from that to finding out that Donald Trump had won the popular vote and all 7 swing states, was a mindfuck to say the least.
To find out after that that yes, Project 2025 was the plan all along, and he's trying to implement it FAST...yeah.
The world is on fire, and we're just along for the ride. Or are we?
I believe there were many factors that went into this outcome. A perfect storm of election fuckery, to say the least. In the days since the campaign, we all saw news stories saying that it was the racism and misogyny. Or that the Democrats stayed home. Or that we ran an unpopular candidate. I don't believe any of those things are true.
Here are the main factors I believe contributed to this outcome, after spending two months after the election in intense prayer and research and then two more months collecting my thoughts:
Without definitive proof of fucky numbers (I am sure Kamala had her reasons not to ask for recounts, but I really wish she would have), there is not much we can do.
I 100% believe we need a hand recount of the actual ballots, even if it proves the results were correct. At least then we would know, and not be forever in doubt.
In the meantime, there is a lot of other work to do!
On the other hand if you voted for Trump and support him (and have actually read this far), I'm sure you have your reasons for that as well, which I will not question*. But I will ask you to pray to God to give him wisdom, for as long as he occupies the office of president, to lead this country in a way that is beneficial to all. I mean, with God all things are possible. Right?
*(unless you're one of the few whose reasons actually are racism, misogyny, ableism, homophobia, or transphobia, in which case fuck you)